Megan, John, Gracie & Jack


Amy –

It is hard to believe that it has already been one year since you took over BCC as owner/director. Words cannot express how grateful I am to know you as one of Jack’s teachers and you are such a wonderful member of the community. Boxborough certainly is lucky to hove you too! It’s been so neat that you have known Jack since he was just 15 weeks old over at BH. Thank you so much for all of your patience and understanding with my work schedule too. It certainly is clear that you put all of “your children” first and do such wonderful things with them! Thank you for taking such good care of Jack when he is with you. I know he is in good hands. Jack drew a picture of a dinosaur for you on the back of this note. Thanks again for all that you continue to do + congratulations on 1 year!!

The Davidenko Family(Shannon Anatoly & Alexander)



Congratulations on becoming owner/director of BCC for 1 year. We are so happy to have you as a support and teacher for Alexander. Since we’ve enrolled Alex, we’ve seen him blossom and develop both his language and social skills. Thank you for your work with our son and for the team of professionals you’ve hired.


Dear Amy –

What an incredible year it’s been! we are so happy for you and all you have accomplished in such a short amount of time. We so appreciate this opportunity to have Brett come and join your new family at BCC. We feel like he has grown so much since the fall and we are so excited to see what next year will bring. I have friends ask me all the time about this school and the tadpole program. I always tell them that there was no one else we felt comfortable leaving our boys with! We consider you a part of our extended family. Thank you for making it so easy to give Brett what Max + Ryan had in those early years! You have managed to take all of the great parts of BH and turn it into something so much greater.

The Mazzones


Amy – Congrats on your 1st year! You’ve done amazing things with BCC and our kids. We knew you’d be a success and couldn’t imaging sending Cole + Alyssa anywhere else! We are so thankful to have you in all of our lives and for all that you do and are!! Wishing you the best this coming year and many more to come!

Edith Pfister & Brian Fisk



We are so happy that you decided to take on this challenge and that we decided to come to BCC. Alden and Zoe are happy and learning and they love their teachers. I hope that you are happy too and that you have a long and fulfilling career at BCC.